Today is Halloween!! My favorite candy is twix so when ever someone holds out a bowl of candy I ALWAYS pick twix. I hope it is not to cold because I do not want to were my jacket because i really like my costume.
I'm so excited there is only two more day till hallowen! I always count how much candy i get so I wonder how much I will get this year. last year i got over 50!!
What is this it looks cool. Why don't we have these in medford!!
I'm kind of worried because my math homework took no time at all. I could have done it in my sleep!! I hope I get the stuff right. Today I just have this feeling that I am going to get a lot of homework done. At the very end of school I was very tired but know I feel like I can get a ton done!!
Today I am going to the hallowen party!! I'm excited because its also also a birthday party!! So that meens CAKE. YAY!! I think it is going to be fun!!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
I am so excited for hallowen it's only in elven days!! I am going to be a witch. My mom is going to put this evil green on my nails. Also she is going to put black around my eyes to make me look a little evil!! I'm soooo excited!!!!
I am so excited I passed. I did not even know but my swim teacher graded us last week. That meens that I did not even have to worry this morning! I will now one of the yongest but i would rather be the youngest then the oldest. :)
I just woke up and it is 7:30! I am so scared that I will not pass to the next level in swimming! I think I will but at the same time it's not up to me. If I do pass then that means that I will be in level six, and level six is the last one. I do not want to end up being the oldest in level five. I just keep telling myself that I'm a really good swimmer!